Sitemap - 2023 - Eurosiberia

Postmodern Phantasmagoria

The Luminous Paths of Mithras and Christ

Nietzsche in Innsmouth

Dark Revolt: Poe and Evola

The Vision and Legacy of Daria Dugina

Kémi Séba and Pan-Africanism

The Might of Juche and Songun

MAGA Communism

Stalin’s Eurasian Empire

Karl Marx’s Magnificent Beard

Ukraine’s Decade of Descent

Friedrich Georg Jünger and the Titanic Allure of Technology

Heidegger and Dugin: ‘Dasein’ and Multipolarity

In Defense of the Middle Ages

Russian National Unity Day

Julius Evola and Michael Myers

Cultural Relativism and Multipolarity: Franz Boas and Alexander Dugin

Europe against the West

Spengler’s ‘Prussianism and Socialism’ Through Kathy Acker’s Fractured Lens

General Vlasov and His Army: A Tolstoyan Perspective

East Germany and the AfD

Eurosiberia Telegram

Marx from the Right: Through the Eyes of Alain de Benoist and Diego Fusaro

Heidegger’s ‘Dasein’: Exploring Identity and Reincarnation

Dualism and Ambition in War

The “White Man’s Burden”: Western Liberalism as the New Imperialism

Ethnopluralism: An Inherently Anti-Racist Concept

The Story of Königsberg/Kaliningrad

Codreanu: Orthodoxy and Traditionalism in the Age of Modernity

USA: Red Land vs Blue Sea

Ian Stevenson and Reincarnation

National Bolshevism: The Eurasian Dream

Lovecraftian Genesis

Woke Star Trek

North Korea’s Path

Bose and India’s Independence

Dugin’s Vision: The Global South’s Ascendancy in a Multipolar World

Eurosiberian St. Petersburg

‘Finis Germania’: A Gothic Synopsis

Frederick the Great and the Russian Titan

Guillaume Faye and Archeofuturism

Eurosiberian Destiny

Goethe on Reincarnation

Pat Buchanan, Conan, and the Death of the West

Fallen Rome and the Declining West

Oppenheimer, Krishna, and the Bomb

Stauffenberg and Secret Germany

Spengler, Faust, and Napoleon

Evola’s Critique of America

EU Frankenstein

Napoleon and the Russian Winter

Spengler, Marx, and Lenin: Capitalism, Communism, and Racism

Baron von Ungern-Sternberg: The God of War

Spengler's Lovecraftian Critique of Madison Grant

Friedrich Engels: Vampire Hunter

The Poesque Shiva Decline of the West

Dragons vs King Kong Clones

ChatGPT and the Looming AI Abyss

Henry Kissinger and Professor Moriarty

Werner Sombart and Military Nationalism

Helmut Berger Dracula

Ernst Jünger and the Trench Creature

Fu Manchu’s Shadow over Taiwan

Johnny P. and the Cosmic Battle for Mankind’s Soul

Constantin von Hoffmeister – Interregnum #69

The Russo-American Zombie Apocalypse

Lavrov’s Quest for a Modern Camelot

Sherlock Holmes and the Military Maneuvers in the South China Sea

Kull’s Gaze: Decoding US-Ukraine Leaks

Evil Dead Evola

Dragons of NATO: Finland’s Dark Pact

Conan, Putin, and the Geopolitical Struggle

The Fall of the House of Banks

Ukraine's Eldritch Whispers

Godzilla’s Axis Apocalypse

The Vision of Francis Parker Yockey

Marx vs. Piketty: Apocalypse or Redemption?

Hobby Horse Heidegger

Spengler, Race and the Nazis

The Lovecraftian Birth of Multipolarity

From Rimbaud through Kerouac to Faye

Putin and Lenin, according to Spengler

'Come and See' and 'The Matrix': Reality of Illusion

Guillaume Faye vs Alexander Dugin

Sophie Scholl and the White Rose

The Eternal Glory of Rome: A Cut-Up Reflection

Edgar Allan Poe on the Blessing of Multipolarity

The Nightmare of Guillaume Faye

Kurt Vonnegut in Dresden

Oswald Spengler's Three Culture Circles

The Elite and Sovereign Democracy

The AfD: Party of Peace

Ethnopluralism and Multipolarity

Martin Luther: The Hammer of God

Oswald Spengler and Rebirth

Putin and Auschwitz

Matrix 4: Thoughts

Putin and Occupied Germany

Lovecraft, Poe and America

Christ in the West

The Eurasian Mission to Save Europe

Russophobia and Stalingrad

Oswald Spengler and Hiroshima

Stepan Bandera and Ukrainian Nazis

National Bolshevism vs National Communism

The Russian Definition of Anti-Fascism

Coming Soon